Work to Residence Visa

Turn your temporary work visa into New Zealand Residence – the upgrade will allow you to access publicly financed services such as education and healthcare. You will be able to stay in the country forever while you study and work without any visa restrictions. Take advantage of what Work to Residence Visa NZ provides – we can help you choose the right path and guide you through the process.

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Want to get an NZ Work to Residence visa? Check your options:

Immigration New Zealand offers multiple work visa options to help you come to New Zealand and experience the country’s unique work culture. You will have access to unparalleled employee rights and favourable working conditions to give your best.
However, if you are looking to work your way towards New Zealand residency while you spend time in the country on your work visa, you should seriously consider choosing a Work to Residence Visa NZ offers. The visa options in this category help you use your time in the country to qualify towards residency.
Check your options below and see which path works the best for you – you can count on us to help you make the right decision.
To qualify for this Work to Residence Visa, you will need a job offer for a work area listed in the NZ Long Term Skill Shortage List (LTSSL) and the qualifications to satisfy the job requirements. And once you have spent 2 years working on this visa, you can apply for residency.
This Work to Residence Visa NZ offers can be yours if you can produce an employment offer from an INZ accredited employer and show that you have the skills needed to fill the position. Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa also provides you with a path to New Zealand residency.

How do you pick between the two Work to Residence Visas?

Though both Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa and Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa options allow you to work in New Zealand and offer a path to residency in the country, they differ in qualification requirements, visa terms and application process.
Immigration Advisers NZ hires licensed professionals at their Auckland office – they are local and highly experienced. We pride ourselves in having one of the best immigration teams in the area. You can trust us for selecting the right Work to Residence Visa based on your situation. We will help you through the visa process and work diligently to get your visa efficiently and cost-effectively. Contact us to book your complimentary consultation – 100% free.

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