Moving to New Zealand from South Africa

Moving to New Zealand from South Africa
Why should you be moving to New Zealand from South Africa? Well, there are many reasons for you to seriously consider emigrating to New Zealand from South Africa. Here are some figures to get you thinking:
  • Migrating to New Zealand from South Africa means you have a lesser risk of contracting HIV/AIDS – SA has 18.8% of its population living with the disease while the number for NZ is 0.1%
  • Your life increases by almost 17.5 years by emigrating from South Africa to New Zealand – SA men live an average of 62 years and women 65 years. Compare this to NZ, where men survive 79 years and women 84 years
  • You are likely to earn 2.9 times more by moving to New Zealand from South Africa – SA has a per capita GDP of $13,500 while NZ enjoys a high of $38,900
  • Emigrating to New Zealand from South Africa means you will have an 82.2% lesser chance of being unemployed – SA has 27.6% unemployed adults, but NZ has a paltry 4.9%
  • You will save an average of 26.7% by migrating to New Zealand from South Africa – the highest SA tax rate is a whopping 45% whereas NZ has a peak of 33%
  • By emigrating from South Africa to New Zealand, you increase your chances of having electricity by 17.6% – SA has 85% of its population covered compared to 100% in NZ
  • Moving to New Zealand from South Africa gives you a 63.9% higher chance of having internet access – SA has 54% of its population covered while NZ covers 88.5%
  • When we talk of having fun at the sea, emigrating to New Zealand from South Africa gives you 5.4 times longer coastline – SA has a stretch of 2,798 km, whereas NZ gets a 15,134 km long seashore
As you can well see from the numbers, migrating to New Zealand from South Africa gives you access to better health, improved lifestyle and more money.
This is not all, emigrating from South Africa to New Zealand also places you in a less corrupt environment. Corruption Perceptions Index 2018 found NZ as the 2nd best in the world while SA could just muster the 73rd spot in the list of 180 countries covered by the index.
Moving to New Zealand from South Africa also moves you to a safer location. The 2019 Global Peace Index ranked 160 countries based on the probability of personal violence – NZ was rated as the world’s 2nd safest country while SA did not do as well with its 127th spot.

What are the visa options for moving to New Zealand from South Africa?

All this data should be enough to convince you to give migrating to New Zealand from South Africa a serious thought. The next step is to look for visa options.
If you are planning a short visit to enjoy the beautiful scenery and have some fun, you can get a Visitor Visa.
Getting one of the Work Visas made available by the INZ (Immigration New Zealand) would allow you a chance to experience the New Zealand work culture.
Visas under the Work to Residence category are a great way to work in New Zealand and move towards residency.
Skilled Migrant Category Visa is an excellent pathway for emigrating to New Zealand from South Africa – this resident visa also allows you to access government-funded programs and public services.
For South Africans with the needed capital, New Zealand Business Visas provide you with the opportunity of pursuing your business interests while enjoying the relaxed New Zealand lifestyle.
Immigration Advisers NZ staffs highly qualified and experienced immigration professionals at our Auckland office. We provide the best-in-business New Zealand visa and immigration services. Our dedicated immigration advisers work closely with our clients to provide them with tailor-made solutions to meet their long term immigration goals. We can help you in choosing the right visa for migrating to New Zealand from South Africa.
Book your complimentary (100% free) consultation session and see how we can help you in emigrating to New Zealand from South Africa efficiently and cost-effectively.

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