Entrepreneur Visas

Are you an entrepreneur interested in working in your own business while you enjoy the personal freedom, strong society and favourable markets offered by the country? If yes, a New Zealand Entrepreneur Visa is the right choice for you. We can help you make the right decision and help you with the process.

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As per the World Bank, New Zealand has the most conducive environment to easily start and run a business. You can establish, own and operate a business here with few restrictions. In fact, you can reserve a name and incorporate your business within a few hours by getting online and accessing the easy-to-use government portals.
Immigration New Zealand (INZ) offers two New Zealand Entrepreneur Visa options. We have helped a lot of clients with the New Zealand Investment Immigration process for a long time and will be happy to assist you in making the right choice.

New Zealand Entrepreneur Work Visa

This Entrepreneur Visa NZ offers is a great way to test the entrepreneurial environment of New Zealand before you decide to move here permanently.
You can either start a new venture or buy an already running business after you get your Entrepreneur Work Visa. You will have the opportunity to apply for New Zealand residence at the end of 6 months and 2 years – the requirements you will need to meet at the end of each qualifying term are different.

What are the qualification criteria for this Entrepreneur Visa NZ offers?

You must meet the following requirements to qualify for Entrepreneur Work Visa; you must:
  • Present a full business plan
  • Put down at least NZ$ 100,00 towards your business – INZ may relax this requirement if you are operating in an area that has a high growth or innovation potential; the same holds for companies that cater to science or ICT (Information and Communications Technology) industry
  • Accumulate at least 120 points in the point system used by Immigration New Zealand
  • Not have been involved in a bankruptcy or failed business in the last 5 years.
  • Not have been associated with any business or financial misconduct/fraud

What is the validity of this New Zealand Entrepreneur Visa?

On an Entrepreneur Work Visa, you can live in New Zealand for:
  • 12 months while you are in the start-up stage of setting up your business – INZ may allow an extension if you need more time to work in this phase
  • 24 more months if INZ is convinced that you have set up your business successfully

What does New Zealand Entrepreneur Work Visa allow you to do?

Entrepreneur Work Visa allows you to:
  • Buy a running business or start one of your own
  • Spend 3 years working in your business
  • Make your partner and children (less than 19 years) part of your New Zealand Entrepreneur Visa application
  • Spend 3 months studying in 12 months
  • Enter/Exit the country more than once

What conditions are imposed by INZ on this Entrepreneur Visa NZ offers?

If you are on an Entrepreneur Work Visa, you are not allowed to:
  • Seek employment with other employers: You have to work in your own business and in the location mentioned on your visa – you have to be actively managing your business operations within the legal framework.
  • Request or be a beneficiary of any welfare while you live in the country: All the visas (like the ones for your partner and children) that depend on your New Zealand Entrepreneur Visa are also bound by this condition.
Your Entrepreneur Work Visa may be cancelled if INZ finds you in breach of visa terms during any phase of your start-up. Losing your visa means missed opportunity and loss of investment – you do not want to risk it. Let our Auckland-based team of qualified immigration experts guide you through the process. Begin by booking an absolutely free consultation slot now.

New Zealand Entrepreneur Resident Visa

You may qualify for Entrepreneur Resident Visa in two ways:
  • Prove that you have been employed full-time for 2 years in the business you started or bought: INZ will need to see evidence of substantial gain for New Zealand brought about by your business.
  • Fast track: To qualify for this faster path, you must have spent 6 months employed full-time in your business and provided employment to 3 or more NZ citizens/residents. The minimum investment needed to fast track your application is NZ$ 500,000.

What does this New Zealand Resident Visa allow you to do?

Entrepreneur Resident Visa allows you to:
  • Stay, study and work in the country indefinitely
  • Make your partner and children (less than 24 years) part of your New Zealand Entrepreneur Visa application
  • Run your business in New Zealand

What conditions are imposed by INZ on this Entrepreneur Visa NZ offers?

Besides the usual requirements that INZ places on all visas (such as good health, good character and English language skills), Entrepreneur Resident Visa holders need to adhere to these additional conditions when the business has been running for less than 2 years; you must:
  • Continue working for 2 more years while being self-employed in your business
  • Not move the investment you have made in your business
  • Continue employing NZ citizens/residents for 2 or more years in your business
It is easy to make mistakes and get into trouble with the INZ over the terms of your Entrepreneur Resident Visa when you have to work with so many conditions, and there are more than what we have described here. Immigration Advisers NZ has licensed immigration professionals on the team who are qualified to work with any complexities you may face with your Entrepreneur Resident Visa. Book a slot to seek 100% free advice on your visa situation.

How much time and money does it take to get a New Zealand Entrepreneur Visa?

INZ typically takes around 16 months to process Entrepreneur Visas. However, personal conditions as Medical Issues, Character Issues or the ones requiring a Special Direction may lead to extended processing time.
Our team of qualified immigration professionals is proud to help our clients achieve their immigration goals quickly at the best prices without any compromise on quality.
You can trust our expertise and due diligence to ensure the success of your NZ Entrepreneur Visa application. Book a completely free consultation slot to discuss your case.

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